Youth Lyric News

Social Media Competition

Congratulations to our winner Arianne! Well done on winning the most views on our favourite movie scene challenge. We love seeing you all act, sing and dance. Amazing job to those who entered.

Letter to Parents

It's hard to believe that we've now been running our online classes for 3 months. It's been wonderful to see how the students have adapted to this new way of learning drama and dance. 

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What’s next!?

Dear Parents/Guardian

As we’re moving into a new phase now and after so much has happened since we last had our face to face classes we have had to adapt and make some changes in where and when we run our classes.

We still have all our fantastic tutors plus 2 more excellent tutors that have now joined the team which is all very exciting!

We have also had new students join us since we started our online classes in January so in order to accommodate this growth and to stay in line with regulations we are asking for your class selection in advance of next term. The table below is obviously subject to any further Covid-19 restrictions but this is how we see things moving forward from September onwards.

We need your responses by Monday 7th June as class numbers will be limited and advance planning is essential for us to keep in line with regulations but this will then secure your child’s place for the September term. If your child is not returning to Youth Lyric and you would like to stop receiving emails from Youth Lyric please also let us know.

We do hope to accommodate all students with their first preference but will be in touch as soon as possible to confirm. Once your class selection has been confirmed we will send you the necessary forms, term dates, costs and any other necessary information required to complete the process. Upon return of these forms along with the £10 registration/insurance fee (non returnable) you will have then secured a place for child at Youth Lyric.

All the staff are really looking forward to having face to face classes with your children once again and we hope to hear from you again soon.
Kind Regards

Dear Parents,

We hope you all had a Happy and Healthy Christmas!

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone to say the least but we at Youth Lyric want to look forward to 2021 with hope and anticipation.

So, we’re very excited to announce something new for our senior students this New Year.


This month we will be launching online speech and drama classes for our senior students only. We realise this is not ideal but until current restrictions are lifted we believe this is the best way forward. Our tutors are planning lessons that will teach Trinity College syllabus to help students move towards Solo Grades but will also involve developing their performing arts skills that will encourage all students in their personal and mental health development, which we feel is vital at this particular time. We are committed to providing a unique and valuable experience for young people so we do hope you will encourage your child to join in.


The focus of the classes will be preparing individual monologues which can then be entered for the Trinity examination at the appropriate grade level. Pupils do not, however, need to embark on the examination and can join this class purely to develop skills. The examination is optional not compulsory. For those wanting to complete the examination, they will have to be willing to work on their monologue independently and also complete a recording of the monologue, plus accompanying tasks which will be outlined during the lessons. Please be advised the tutors cannot record the examination material, it must be done by the pupil at home and uploaded to the Trinity portal. Guidance will be sent to pupils closer to the examination deadline.


The online classes will run as follows:

  1. Class times will be as per the previous completed registration process
  2. There will be a maximum of 10 students per class.
  3. Each parent will be contacted via Zoom/Teams by the administrators and the class will last approximately 30 minutes.
  4. After a time of introduction, teaching and discussion, the lessons will take the weekly format of students being set work to complete at home and then they will show their work at the class the following week.
  5. Tutors will be there to provide guidance and evaluation as well as all resources students require and will ensure that classes are inclusive and fun at the same time as conducive to learning for all ability students.


NB, We will look at providing classes for our Junior students once the Senior classes are up and running. Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot start Junior classes week commencing Monday 11th January as hoped due to current Covid-19 restrictions – but please watch this space for information coming shortly regarding some online performing arts classes for our P5 and P6 students.


If you have any questions or queries in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact us at: for Belfast for Antrim enquiries.


Thanks for supporting us throughout these difficult times!


Natalie Gilbert

Head of Curriculum